We combine mobile technology with the latest Disciple Making Movements research to empower disciple-makers of all levels and backgrounds to effectively mobilize the believer, disciple the lost, and multiply the Kingdom of God.

Meet Waha.

Waha is a multi-language, audio-based mobile app that empowers disciple-makers to effectively mobilize the believer, disciple the lost, and multiply the Kingdom of God using Discovery Bible Study lesson sets that have been curated by a group of high-level movement leaders.

Launching in fall 2020 to the iOS App Store and Google Play Store,



We have been needing an app like this to assist catalyzing DMM for a long time...a centralized technology with a decentralized model for quickly on-boarding content for many languages. I would love to see 100 dialects on Waha as soon as possible.

Stan Parks
24:14 Facilitator & Leading Movement Researcher

As I think about the things that are going on right now in the MENA region, the Waha app is what I am most excited about, because it makes the disciple-making process so simple to implement...whether someone is experienced, brand new to disciple-making, or even illiterate.

Successful Movement Catalyst & Trainer in the MENA Region

The Mobilization Tools in Waha are a great method for helping believers understand disciple-making from a Biblical perspective, and to mobilize them through forming disciple-making habits that can lead to movement.

Paul Watson
Founder & Co-Author of Contagious Disciple Making


Our number one expense currently involves the programming, content creation, and general development of the Waha app. Your tax-deductible donation will help make the Discovery Bible Study process easily available in an ever-growing library of languages, with a priority for unreached people groups.
Make a contribution